Friday, 30 August 2024

Camer Shots/Angles quiz

For my Camera shots quiz, I had to use a variety of precise camera angles and images to create a visual story. I had to choose an inanimate object, create a narrative around it, and take fifteen different pictures from different angles, such as close-ups, medium shots, long views, and establishing photos 

I decided to make Winnie, the chew toy owned by my dog named Snow, the main character. Storyline-wise, it centers on Winnie's exciting day. I arranged every picture to show the toy's experiences and sentiments as they evolved over the day, from exhilaration and discovery to being jealous and, ultimately, realizing that it was Snow's favorite toy. 

Getting the dog to stay in one position wasn't easy, but I am with how the pictures came out, especially the close-ups and extreme close-ups that perfectly conveyed Winnie's feelings. The story became more lively and captivating with the POV view and the mix of high and low angles. 

However, if I were to do this project again, I would focus more on lighting. Some shots could have benefited from better natural lighting or additional light sources to enhance clarity and mood. 

Overall, the project was a great learning experience, and I’m excited to apply these techniques to future visual storytelling projects.

My first blog

 Hi, This is my first post on my blog. My name is Chandni, I am a junior in High School and I am making this vlog for my AICE Media Studies AS class.

Post production #2 - Editing

  Editing "A New Beginning" with a 90's aesthetic  I want to give it my film opener a ‘90s-inspired aesthetic like the warm,...